Saturday, November 22, 2008

Udaipur to Mumbai (6)

We had a three hour lay over in Mumbai before heading onto Goa. We were able to see my old friend Neale whom I met in Alaska many years back. He is from Mumbai and picked us up at the airport and drove us around the beach and pointed out where all the Bollywood stars lived, and then we had lunch at the Taj Hotel. This is a 5 star hotel chain and is the nicest place Yenyy and I have eaten at during our travels here. Its a gated hotel and before entering your hood and trunk of the car are inspected for bombs before you are allowed in. I wasn't sure if I felt safer or more concerned with the need for this inspection, but we entered all the same.

Mumbai would have been ideal city to stay in for a few days since Neale was willing to be our personal tour guide, and even though he begged us to change our tickets to a later date, we just couldn't handle any more big cities.